Wrap-Up: Three Days, Three Quotes Challenge (#3)

Hey guys! Thanks for the overwhelming responses I’ve received for my last two parts. You guys are the best. Finally, I have come to the end of the quotes challenge. (Sorry it came late again, I tampered with something on my site. shaiima.wordpress.com is the new blog address, sorry for any inconvenience this might cause).

PS: That’s what I get for being too curious.

Rules of the challenge:

  • Three quotes for three days.
  • Three nominees each day (no repetition).
  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Inform the nominees.

Now on to my third and final quote of this challenge:

“Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin, as self-neglecting.”

Origin of the Quote:

Anyone who is deftly familiar with Shakespeare’s works would know exactly where this quote came from (Henry V; Act II Scene IV).Henry was a man of war. These words (the quote) were spoken by Dauphin (son of the king of France) to the King (his father) when a messenger from Henry V brought a message to him. In the message,  he said England lays claim to certain lands of France. Dauphin advised the King to stand his ground. He advised his father to defend his crown against the English..and the story continues.

What It Means:

There’s a this popular mantra that “you can’t give what you don’t have “. Somehow, you’d be wondering what this has to do with the quote.

Here’s how they relate; one can’t truly love others without first loving oneself. If you neglect yourself, you neglect others too.

Wondering how true these are? Let’s cite an example; X is an undergraduate who is struggling to raise his CGPA to one that won’t send him packingo despite his brilliance. Few years before, he lost both his parents in a car crash. Two months back, his confidant left him after avoiding him for several weeks. He hates himself so much that sometimes, he cuts himself to redirect his pains and to look hideous. Y decides this is the time to ask him to help solve a calculus question and walks up to him. I know this is a trashy example but what do you think his reaction would be? (I’d leave the rest to your imagination).

People are open to assisting others when they’re  fine themselves. The level of happiness of some individuals determine the extent to which they can go in caring about others. 

There are and have always been exceptions to the rule though. Some people, despite their challenges, care really deeply about others. 

Bottom line: lead a happy life no matter what happens to you, love yourself and stay happy so you can have the strength to love others as fiercely too.


These blogs are owned by awesomely talented people. 

While it would be wonderful if you accept this, it’s not a compulsion. I’m curious as to what your quotes would be in the event that you accept this. (Thanks).

    Whew! Finally.

    Enjoy the rest of the week everyone. ♥

    42 thoughts on “Wrap-Up: Three Days, Three Quotes Challenge (#3)

    Add yours

    1. Your thoughtful compassion is a breath of fresh air, and your positive energy is a real boost on a sunny winters day….thank you for sharing your gift for optimism and for the creative ways you express it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Shayma, this quote is right where I’m at in this season of life. I think it’s too easy to become a martyr and forget that being able to truly love others well involves learning to love and treat ourselves with respect, but so much easier said than done!!!

      Thanks for sharing – this was a great reminder for me tonight!

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Beautiful quote. I struggled with self esteem as a young teen. I only overcame that, when life forced me to make adult decisions before I was ready.lol Thanks for the background knowledge.

      Liked by 1 person

    4. Very curious who is behind this blog? Thank you so much for all of your like on my blog, Shayma, I would be happy to know more about you.
      Would be happy about replay 🙂
      Best Eva

      Liked by 2 people

        1. . . . TCM.

          She’s wowed me ever since I discovered her.

          . . . Kamal.

          She nominated me for my first ever award.
          The Versatile Award.

          Still one of my finest moments herein.

          . . . EVA.

          I’m also curious, very much so too, to know the face behind the curtain.
          She thrills me.

          Hello there Shayma.

          Enjoy your day !

          Liked by 1 person

          1. You know, TCM could mean a whole lot of things,
            Treasury Capital Market
            Treasury and Cash Management
            Two Component Model
            Traditional Chinese Medicine
            Toxic Chemicals Munitions
            Total Crew Model
            Trench Coat Mafia
            I could go on and on hehe.
            And EVA could mean “ExtraVehicular Activity” lol.
            Just being geeky.

            Thank you so much for all the encomiums. Glad I was part of an ecstatic moment and a lasting memory.
            The face behind the curtain yeah?😊 They say curiosity kills the cat.
            Hey there Shine shine.
            Have a beautiful day too.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. . . . Whatever you’re insinuating is yours. To TCM, I bet she knows I meant TheChaoticMind.

              Man knoweth thyself . . . Tongue out.

              Leave Eva outta this too. Chuckles.

              And I think I should also let you know . . . Your long comments can’t intimidate me.


              Liked by 1 person

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