A Feast for the Broken.

Softly, tears trickled down her face

The burden of the world on her name

How could she live? 

Not knowing what’s up his sleeve

Slowly, gently she brought herself to sleep

Forcefully, tactfully it just wouldn’t gree

Depressed and sad, a thought came

Yes, she knew it was lame

With her tired heart and fired brain

Her efforts and pleas all in vain

She had loved a beast

Now her heart is throwing a feast

A feast for the broken

Buffet for the shattered

Her mind the plate

Her heart on the table

Silently, purposefully, she trudged

Out of her home, tired of grudge

Chilly wind, snowy night

Never gave way to unwelcomed fright

Distance lengthened, darkness envelope-d

A noose in the distance made from a rope

Unflinching, in haste she proceeded not to mend

Climbing the steps to her very end.

Hey guys, I really just tried some funny rhymes with this one. I hope you enjoy it. 

Thank you so much for following me on my writing journey. You’re very much appreciated. Love y’all.

28 thoughts on “A Feast for the Broken.

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  1. Wow, you just never cease to amaze me.. good one as always. Even when you just play around with words, the Alchemist in you won’t let it remain ordinary..


  2. If it is exactly what I am thinking don’t let that ‘beast’ perish. Because on the same thing two people – a girl and a boy feel two different I tensity of pain. while a girl by her nature of humbleness and sacrifice would forcefully delete all th memories and start a new life the other part would be perished. If I have interpreted your lines wrong then I apologise for that. But if it is so what I am thinking then believe and take a bold step in God’s name.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha. Thanks for going through.
      Poetry sometimes is incompletely understood and most of the time could mean a lot of different things. You’re entitled to your opinion friend.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Brilliant, just wonderfully written 💯👌 Funny but sad all at once. Just seems like we’ve all been through that. Deciding whether to hold a grudge or not, but is it worth it? I think that not, only proves the person has a hold that she/he shouldn’t be having on you.
    Well done😁 I definitely have to reblog this with your permission obviously 😉

    Liked by 2 people

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